Earlier this week, Hurricane Ida began ravaging Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. Of course, the storm also created horrible circumstances along her northern path. As we collectively process the aftermath of Hurricane Ida’s wrath that was experienced along the Gulf Coast, we know it’s going to be a long recovery process that will undoubtedly add stress to our region. However, we are resilient. By helping one another and learning from the past, we will – with no doubt – rebuild and recover.

Many of you have reached out to ask, “How can I help?” The most immediate needs are food, water, fuel and monetary assistance. Below we highlight the tireless efforts of many nonprofit organizations on-the-ground helping folks all along the coastline. If you are interested in donating to the region’s recovery efforts, then we encourage you to take a look at these organizations or reach out to an organization you trust. 

Founder & President Mitch Landrieu provided insight on the impact of Hurricane Ida and our collective path forward in a new piece for CNN today. He reflects on lessons learned from past hurricanes & natural disasters that should guide us through Ida’s recovery, take care of each other especially helping historically marginalized communities that are disproportionately impacted during these trying times, call on our elected leaders to address our changing climate, and the need for necessary infrastructure investments.


E Pluribus Unum’s Founder & President Mitch Landrieu pens piece for CNN in wake of Hurricane Ida

In a piece today for CNN, Landrieu reflects on the lessons learned from past hurricanes and natural disasters, calls upon our state and federally elected leaders to finally–and meaningfully–address our changing climate, and highlights the need to prioritize the South’s most vulnerable communities through the recovery process. 

“The recovery from Hurricane Ida, like our long journey after Katrina, will take time. It will also take a commitment from the federal government, along with states, cities and communities, to reinvest and rebuild in smarter ways.

While natural disasters and systemic inequity continue to shape the South, we determine our path forward. Ida will not be the last storm and certainly not our last challenge. No one should be surprised that the people of Louisiana refuse to bow down or be beaten by a storm or a virus. Through it all, we will continue taking care of each other.

Cleanup has already begun, and we will power through with a helping hand and an open heart until we can all get back on our feet. We have been here before. We’ll be here again. Hurricane Ida has shown us again that we are all connected and truly better together, creating a stronger South and nation. We will come back and write our story — a better story, together.”

Click here to read Mitch’s piece in full.

Teaming Up with Chef José Andrés and World Central Kitchen

Nonprofit and mutual aid organizations are providing rapid relief efforts to folks across the Gulf Coast. EPU’s Founder & President Mitch Landrieu has been teaming up with Chef José Andrés and his World Central Kitchen to deliver emergency food and water to first responders and hurricane survivors in some of the hardest hit communities by Hurricane Ida. Here are a few  photos from Mitch’s time with World Central Kitchen in south Louisiana. Thank you to Chef, his team and the entire World Central Kitchen organization for lending a hand to our communities and to those in need around the world.

Contribute to Hurricane Ida Relief Efforts

While there are countless nonprofit organizations, mutual aid groups, community leaders and every day individuals doing work on the ground to help those in need, we’ve compiled a list of organizations whose work is familiar to EPU that are accepting monetary donations. 

If you are able, please consider donating to one or more of the organizations below or reaching out to another trusted, on-the-ground organization of your choosing.